Join Our Retainers for Life Program
Another Reason to Keep Smiling
Retainers play an essential role in keeping your smile on the straight and narrow. But even with the best care, patients can sometimes lose or break a retainer. Fortunately, our Retainers For Life program offers parents an easy and affordable way to replace retainers.
How Does It Work?
Even responsible patients can damage or break a retainer. Think of the Retainers for Life Program as an investment in the next step of your treatment.
Pay a one-time enrollment fee and minimal replacement fee, and you’re all set. You’ll never pay the total price for a replacement retainer again. Whew!
For a one-time fee of $880, you can enroll in our Retainers for Life Program, which allows you to replace your retainers at any time throughout your life for a small co-payment of:
• $ 30 per arch for clear retainers ( $195 value)
• $ 35 per arch for Invisalign retainers ( $250 value)
• $50 per arch for Hawley retainers ( $290 value)
• $45 per arch for Hawley retainer repairs ( $145 value)
• $ 45 per arch for fixed retainer replacement ( $250 value per arch)
• $ 20 per visit for fixed retainer repairs ( $95 value)
The fees are neither refundable nor transferable. The typical turnaround time for delivery of retainers is 4 to 5 business days; however, this may vary depending on lab or patient availability.
Enroll Now
Now you’re ready to protect your smile investment by enrolling in Brodsky Orthodontics’ Retainers for Life Program. Learn more at your complimentary consultation click here or get started.