The Clear Path to a Perfect Smile

At Brodsky Orthodontics, we offer clear ceramic braces that blend seamlessly with your teeth. Enjoy the same effective treatment as traditional braces, but with an aesthetic advantage. Choose our clear ceramic braces for a confident and beautiful smile.

braces lakewood ca

Subtle Treatment, Stunning Smiles: The Brodsky Orthodontics Approach

At Brodsky Orthodontics, we understand that while the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment is paramount, the aesthetic aspect cannot be overlooked. That's why we offer an alternative to traditional metal braces that combines both functionality and aesthetics - ceramic braces.

Ceramic braces, also known as clear or tooth-colored braces, work in the same way as traditional metal braces. They are designed to correct malocclusion and jaw alignment issues, ensuring that you receive the same high-quality orthodontic treatment. But what sets them apart is their almost-invisible appearance.

Our ceramic braces are crafted from a subtle-looking, tooth-colored polycrystalline ceramic material. They are the smallest brackets available on the market, blending naturally with the color of your teeth. This means they fade into the background, unlike metal braces that can stand out, allowing your beautiful smile to take center stage.

This low-profile option has made our ceramic braces a preferred choice among our teen and adult patients in Lakewood and Long Beach. They appreciate the ability to undergo effective orthodontic treatment without drawing unnecessary attention to their braces.

When you choose clear braces from our Lakewood office, you're opting for a solution that doesn't overshadow your orthodontic treatment. Instead, you'll stand out for your winning smile and personality! This is particularly attractive to our patients who desire a lower-profile treatment option.

In essence, our clear braces provide a perfect, subtle option, allowing you to achieve the smile of your dreams without the visibility of traditional metal braces. At Brodsky Orthodontics, we're committed to helping you smile with confidence while ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout your orthodontic journey.

What Makes Ceramic and Metal Braces Different?

Both ceramic and metal braces come with their unique set of benefits. Traditional metal braces are recognized for their resilience and robustness, making them a dependable option for those with intricate orthodontic needs or those who lead an active lifestyle that might pose a risk to their braces. Conversely, ceramic braces provide a more understated solution to orthodontic treatment. Crafted from a material that matches the color of your natural teeth, they offer a more inconspicuous alternative to metal braces. While they might not be as sturdy, they are still highly effective in addressing a broad spectrum of orthodontic issues.

Previously, ceramic braces had a reputation for staining, but with the progression of orthodontic technology, this is no longer a major concern. The elastic ties used with ceramic braces can stain, but rest assured, at Brodsky Orthodontics, we replace these ties at every adjustment appointment, ensuring your braces always look pristine.

No matter the type of braces you opt for, it's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine visits to our practice will keep your braces clean and your treatment progressing smoothly. At Brodsky Orthodontics, you can relish your favorite foods and beverages without the worry of hindering your treatment. We're committed to making your orthodontic experience as comfortable and efficient as possible.

How Much Do Ceramic Braces Cost?

Dr. Brodsky will work closely with you to create a plan that suits your individual needs. We offer flexible payment options that can fit most budgets, and we will coordinate with your insurance provider to ensure you receive the maximum coverage you're entitled to.

While ceramic braces are typically slightly more expensive than traditional metal braces, this is due to the more complex materials and licensing required for their use. The process of placing, adjusting, and removing ceramic braces is slightly more time-consuming than with metal braces, and this is factored into the overall cost.

Our treatment coordinators are ready to discuss the cost with you during your initial complimentary consultation at our Lakewood office.

Let’s Get Started

Clear braces can be an excellent option for many patients around Lakewood, but they may not be the best choice for everyone. The best way to determine if clear braces are right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Joel Brodsky or Dr. Charles Brodsky.

If you're interested in straightening your teeth with clear braces, the team at Brodsky Orthodontics is here to help. During your consultation, your orthodontist will evaluate your teeth and discuss your treatment options with you.

Our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality orthodontic care, and we are committed to helping you reach a healthy, beautiful smile.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the benefits of clear braces. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!